Return to 2. Elegant Trogon Surveys of Sky Islands in Southeast Arizona

Elegant Trogon Survey Results – 2021

Total Elegant Trogons counted in AZ during 2021 survey = 68

Map of Results for 2021 can be seen here

See Fun photos taken by surveyors during the 2021 Elegant Trogon Surveys of SE Arizona

Information about this annual survey effort here

Video of 2020 on-line surveyor gathering can be watched here – results of survey also discussed.

Results for each route

Atascosa Mountains (May 15, 2021) – 2 pairs, 2 males = 6 total Elegant Trogons

Elegant Trogon in Madera Canyon by Jennie MacFarland

Sycamore Canyon – 0
Bear Valley Ranch via Penasco Canyon to unction with Sycamore Canyon – 1 pair
Ramonote Canyon – 0
Walker canyon Upper Section – 0
Pena Blanca Canyon – 1 male
Calabasas Canyon – 0
Walker Canyon Lower Section – 1 pair, 1 male

Patagonia Mountains (May 22, 2021) – 1 pair, 4 males, 1 female = 7 total Elegant Trogons

Corral Canyon – 1 female
Endless Chain – 1 male
Finely and Adams – East Side – 1 male
Finley and Adams West – 2 males
Harshaw 3/Mowry Meadow – 0
Harshaw Rd Transect 2 – 0
Harshaw Road Transect 1 – 0
Upper Humboldt Canyon – 1 pair

Santa Rita Mountains (May 23, 2021) – 3 pairs, 12 males, 3 unknowns = 20 total Elegant Trogons

Gardner Canyon – 3 males
Lower Super Trail – 1 male
Temporal Gulch – 1 male
Upper Josephine – 2 males
Josephine Canyon hiking route – 1 male, 1 unknown
Middle Josephine (Carrie Nation) – 0
Upper Carrie Nation – 2 males, 1 unknown
Bog Spring – 0
Lower Carrie Nation Trail – 0
Kent Springs Trail (Waterfall) – 0
Cave Creek Canyon – 1 pair, 1 unknown
Santa Rita Lodge up to Kubo – 0
Santa Rita Lodge – 0
Secret Trail – 2 pairs, 1 male
Chuperosa – 1 male

Two male Elegant Trogons having a non-aggressive interaction in Santa Rita Mountains. Seems to be a communication on boundary between territories. Video by Jennie MacFarland

Huachuca Mountains (May 29, 2021) – 11 pairs, 9 males, 1 female, 3 unknown = 31 total Elegant Trogon

Lower Garden Canyon – 0
Lower Huachuca Canyon – 0
Blacktail Canyon – 1 male
Upper Garden/Sawmill Canyon – 3 unknown
Middle Ramsey – 0
Ash-Lutz Canyons; Road end–Lutz Tunnel tailings – 0
Lower Carr Canyon – 0
McClure Canyon – 0
Upper Ramsey (Hamburg) – 0
Middle Picnic Area -Garden Canyon 2 pairs, 1 female
Upper Huachuca Canyon – 1 pair, 1 male
Sunnyside Canyon – 1 pair, 3 males
Scotia Canyon – 4 pairs
Ida & Oversight Canyon – 0
Copper Canyon – 0
Korn & Turtle Canyons – 2 males
Bear Canyon – 1 male
Lone Mountain – 1 pair, 1 male
Middle Ramsey – 0

Chiricahua Mountains (May 30, 2021) – 2 males, 1 female = 3 total Elegant Trogons

Vista Point – 0
Skull Eyes – 0
Summer cabins main fork – 0
Twin Canyons Section (South Fork) – 0
Rucker Canyon – 0
Herb Martyr Dam to Upper Old Scout Camp – 1 male
The Nose – 0
Cypress Gate/Big Cypress – 1 female
North Fork Bridge – 0
Upper SWRS – 0
Bathtub- South Fork Cave Creek – 1 male
South Fork Cave Creek – Picnic Grounds – 0
Cypress Canyon – 0
Maple Camp – 0
Visitor Center – 0
Idyllwild – 0
US Forest Service Well – 0
Box Elder – 0
Second Crossing – 0
Log Canyon – 0
Sentinel Fork – 0