Arizona IBA Bird Survey Database

Access to enter data into the AZ IBA Bird Survey Database is through an assigned password provided by contacting the IBA office at Tucson Audubon Society, Jennie MacFarland (520) 209-1804. The database is hosted by the Tucson Audubon Society.

The link to Data Entry Form is at the bottom of the page.

Arizona Survey Location Queries

  • Location & Species Query – This query shows all bird records (individually) of a site for the specified dates. You can select multiple survey routes within the same area by holding the shift key and clicking on multiple routes.
  • Location & Species Summary QueryThe most helpful query! It shows the bird species list and count  of a site for specified dates. You can select multiple survey routes within the same area by holding the shift key and clicking on multiple routes.
  • Species Data within Survey Locations Query – This query allows you to select a bird species and specify a date span and it will tell you which surveyed areas have a record of that species (individually). If you search for a common species such as Mourning Dove, your computer will likely crash if you do not limit the date span.
  • Locations and the survey types within them  – This query shows the survey routes within a site
  • Survey Types and the surveys within them – This query shows the specified types of survey routes within a site
  • Survey Information by Survey Location Query – This query shows when surveys occurred on a specified survey route within a specified site
  • Survey Information Query – This query allows you to select a site, then the surveys that have happened in that site appear, if you click show survey and click “generate report” the information about the surveys such as start-stop times and the people who conducted the surveys is available.

Arizona IBA Queries

  • IBA & Species Query – You can select a specific IBA, a date span, a species of bird and the query shows individual species records. You can select multiple species with the shift key.
  • IBA & Species Summary QueryA very helpful query! You can select a specific IBA, a date span, a species of bird and the query shows the summary of those species occurrence. You can select multiple species with the shift key.
  • Species Data within IBAs Query – This query allows you to select a bird species (or multiple species using the shift key) and a date span and the query tells you which IBAs those species were found on surveys in individual species records.
  • IBAs and the survey types within them – This query shows the survey routes within an IBA.
  • Survey Types and the surveys within them by IBA – This query shows the survey routes within an IBA and allows you to select a specific type of survey.
  • *View Survey Locations and IBA Images! – Here you can see photos from survey routes that have been submitted by surveyors.

Density Queries

Survey Species DENSITY Daily Report (valid login required) Shows densities of bird species (# of birds per km) on a survey by survey basis – be sure to exclude the supplemental surveys, can select multiple surveys with shift key.

Survey Location and Species DENSITY Summary Report (valid login required) Shows densities of bird species (# of birds per km) as a summary within a specified date span – be sure to exclude the supplemental surveys

IBA and Species DENSITY Daily Report (valid login required) Shows densities of bird species (# of birds per km) on a survey by survey basis within the selected IBA – be sure to exclude the supplemental surveys, can select multiple surveys with shift key.

IBA and Species DENSITY Summary Report (valid login required) Shows densities of bird species (# of birds per km) as a summary within a specified date span within a selected IBA – be sure to exclude the supplemental surveys

You can enter data and photos with the links below.

Arizona IBA Bird Survey Data Entry valid login required
Submit Survey & IBA Images and Videos (Max. 30 Mb, or < 45 sec. video) (valid login required)