Access to enter data into the AZ IBA Bird Survey Database is through an assigned password provided by contacting the IBA office at Tucson Audubon Society, Jennie MacFarland (520) 209-1804. The database is hosted by the Tucson Audubon Society.
The link to Data Entry Form is at the bottom of the page.
Arizona Survey Location Queries
- Location & Species Query – This query shows all bird records (individually) of a site for the specified dates. You can select multiple survey routes within the same area by holding the shift key and clicking on multiple routes.
- Location & Species Summary Query – The most helpful query! It shows the bird species list and count of a site for specified dates. You can select multiple survey routes within the same area by holding the shift key and clicking on multiple routes.
- Species Data within Survey Locations Query – This query allows you to select a bird species and specify a date span and it will tell you which surveyed areas have a record of that species (individually). If you search for a common species such as Mourning Dove, your computer will likely crash if you do not limit the date span.
- Locations and the survey types within them – This query shows the survey routes within a site
- Survey Types and the surveys within them – This query shows the specified types of survey routes within a site
- Survey Information by Survey Location Query – This query shows when surveys occurred on a specified survey route within a specified site
- Survey Information Query – This query allows you to select a site, then the surveys that have happened in that site appear, if you click show survey and click “generate report” the information about the surveys such as start-stop times and the people who conducted the surveys is available.
Arizona IBA Queries
- IBA & Species Query – You can select a specific IBA, a date span, a species of bird and the query shows individual species records. You can select multiple species with the shift key.
- IBA & Species Summary Query – A very helpful query! You can select a specific IBA, a date span, a species of bird and the query shows the summary of those species occurrence. You can select multiple species with the shift key.
- Species Data within IBAs Query – This query allows you to select a bird species (or multiple species using the shift key) and a date span and the query tells you which IBAs those species were found on surveys in individual species records.
- IBAs and the survey types within them – This query shows the survey routes within an IBA.
- Survey Types and the surveys within them by IBA – This query shows the survey routes within an IBA and allows you to select a specific type of survey.
- *View Survey Locations and IBA Images! – Here you can see photos from survey routes that have been submitted by surveyors.
Density Queries
Survey Species DENSITY Daily Report (valid login required) Shows densities of bird species (# of birds per km) on a survey by survey basis – be sure to exclude the supplemental surveys, can select multiple surveys with shift key.
Survey Location and Species DENSITY Summary Report (valid login required) Shows densities of bird species (# of birds per km) as a summary within a specified date span – be sure to exclude the supplemental surveys
IBA and Species DENSITY Daily Report (valid login required) Shows densities of bird species (# of birds per km) on a survey by survey basis within the selected IBA – be sure to exclude the supplemental surveys, can select multiple surveys with shift key.
IBA and Species DENSITY Summary Report (valid login required) Shows densities of bird species (# of birds per km) as a summary within a specified date span within a selected IBA – be sure to exclude the supplemental surveys
You can enter data and photos with the links below.
Arizona IBA Bird Survey Data Entry valid login required | |
Submit Survey & IBA Images and Videos (Max. 30 Mb, or < 45 sec. video) (valid login required) |