eBird it!! If you are birding in an area that is an IBA or your think should be an IBA, you can really help us gather information on that area by entering your sightings on eBird. This website is free to join and fun to explore. When you use eBird, your birding skills can be put to use for conservation! Checkout more info including target bird species here.
IBA Bird Surveyors (for monitoring existing IBAs and inventorying potential new IBAs)
Are you an intermediate birder (or above)? Do you like to explore and collect bird data at remote
or non-public accessible special sites? Can you collect quantitative biological and site data in an organized, thorough, complete, and fairly neat manner? Can you help with your own data entry? Do you have good hearing and can identify most Arizona birds by their songs and are working to always improve your auditory species recognition skills? Can you travel in the backcountry with one other person and work as a team following a standard ornithological data collection protocol? Would enjoy using your birding for conservation and making new avian discoveries? Who wouldn’t! Then we want you there with us! By the way this is fun, and really is all about using your birding skills and passion for special site conservation for birds and assisting good wildlife habitat management. We share our data with our partners to contribute to habitat and site conservation, and thus promoting the conservation of essential habitat for our Arizona “species of conservation concern”. Call us at the TAS-IBA office and find out about the next IBA Bird Monitoring Workshop, or if you are experienced enough from other avian data collection programs how we can get you involved where we need you right now.
IBA Field Conservationists (Stewards)
Would you like to help us map “stressors” (like dump sites, tree cutting sites, ATV access points, or invasive species) and “threats” (like drill sites) at our IBAs or potential IBAs under study? We may also have you find nests or roost sites, and other special site features, and map them as well. Can you use a GPS unit (or get trained by us) and a digital camera. Then, we would definitely like to have your assistance. We prefer you go out with a partner, and you will get guidance from our office, both on our needs and a strategy for completion. We would like to have you enter your GPS coordinates into our GIS, have you make maps, produce a brief summary, and then together we will deliver our findings to the appropriate land managers through a short letter. We will have you do the mapping in our office and review and assist all along the way. These can be specific projects, start to finish, so we make sure we get our findings into management hands.
IBA Data Entry Assistance:
Are you interested in helping the database side of our AZ Important Bird Area (IBA) Avian Science Initiative? Do you like to learn about what birds were seen where across our Arizona IBA survey network (including: AZ avian geography, survey types, habitats, breeding info, and numbers)? Then the AZ IBA Program could use help with IBA bird survey data entry at the TAS-IBA office (possibly one morning a week). You must have a willingness to delve into the technical language of ornithological surveys and be open to learning our database structure and codes supporting our on-line data entry. Ultimately, you are helping us best protect and manage our avian populations at our IBAs, and their conservation in Arizona!
For all of the above: call Jennie MacFarland, AZ IBA Program Conservation Biologist, at (520) 209-1804 to help.