Your one-stop location for all things Azure Bluebird.
Maps of all the box locations:
- Google Map of the sites
- Sonoita Vineyard
- Kief-Joshua Vineyard
- Callaghan Vineyard
- Hannah’s Hill Vineyard
- Hops + Vines
- Las Cienegas NCA
- Apache Springs Ranch (now Boulder Crest Retreat)
- Harshaw Road
Before you go to monitor, check to see if anything has been seen on your trail. Be sure to print off this datasheet to take with you to the field so you can record your information to enter when you return. If you don’t have Excel, you can print off PDF versions of each route you need: Sonoita/Hops+Vines/Hannah’s Hill, Kief-Joshua/Callaghan, Las Cienegas, Apache Springs, Harshaw Rd.
Once you’ve checked your boxes, please enter your monitoring data on correct page of the 2018 Azure Bluebird Monitoring Sheet by selecting correct route in the tabs on the bottom of the page. You don’t need to send this to me or save – as you enter, the data is recorded and will be visible to everyone in the group. You also don’t need Excel – as long as you have a functioning browser, you should be able to use it.
You can also download a file for your Garmin GPS of all the 2018 Bluebird boxes (and separately Harshaw boxes).
New 2018 Apache Springs/Boulder Crest Retreat GPS points as of 2018.
Azure Bluebird Nestbox Monitoring Protocol Video